Zachariah Sothoron (of Henry)

** Father’s will - Maryland

Identified in father’s will of 1793 as one of three eldest sons, bequeathed property. (See his Notes)

Bequeathed property in mother’s will of 1823; named an executor but refused to serve (see her Notes).

Bequeathed property in 1818 will of uncle Samuel Bond (see his Notes)>

Will of John Sothoron. To wife Mary Attaway Briscoe Sothoron, currently pregnant, resident plantation, slaves, personals; to pass to his son John T. H. Sothoron at her death. Deed forgiven on brother Samuel's resident plantation, as shown on bond of conveyance dated 6 August 1810. To son Zachariah Henry Sothoron, Bonds Retreat, on the Potomac.

- John Sothoron entitled to half interest in resident plantation of deceased father-in-law, Dr. John H. Briscoe. Briscoe was entitled to a farm near Chaptico, on which Robert Tippett resides. The parcels were to be traded at time of Briscoe's death; trade to be completed and lands to be sold to finance legacies.

- On 27 June 1826 had agreed to sell his brother Henry a tract of land on Patuxent where brother Zachariah formerly lived. This indenture to be completed, with monies, along with those due from Horatio McEldery & George Forbs, to be used to extinguish debt of Forbs estate against John Sothoron on account of being security for his late brother Zachariah Sothoron.

- Interest in Briscoe farm passed to Henry G. S. Key.

- Daughter Mary Elizabeth Attaway Sothoron

- All children under 21 years of age.

- Provisions made to finance education of John T. H. Sothoron.

- Executors brother Henry, friends Bernard Hooe of Alexandria & Henry G .S. Key.

Witness: John H. Briscoe, Morris Shanks, Anna H. Key. (Wills EIM#1:14, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.10.07, Proved 1826.11.28)

** Estate of brother George Washington - Maryland  (see his Notes for more information)

Distribution of the estate of George D. Sothoron. Identifies relatives:  (see his Notes for more details)

- Mother Mary Sothoron

- Brothers John, Henry, Zachariah, James F. Sothoron

- Sisters Ann Smith (? dec'd), Eleanor Gardiner, Mrs. Tubman, Hariet Binns (? dec'd), Rebecca Key

- Niece Elizabeth (dec'd), wife of William Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman

- Niece Mary, wife of George Thomas, daughter of Mrs. Tubman

- Children of Rebecca Key: Philip (his children Rebecca, Sara Anne, Mary); Robert M. (dec'd with heirs); Henry G.S.; Cecelia Ashton (husband Henry); Rebecca Wharton (husband Charles H.D.); Elizabeth Scott (husband John). (Admin Accts EJM#1 {MSA WK-282-283}:158, St. Mary’s Co., Recorded 1833.08.16)

** Land Records - Maryland

Deed recorded at request of buyer. John Munro of Charles Co. sells to Zachariah Sothoron of Charles Co., for $700, Foxes Race. Beginning at bounded white oak on east side of coach road in a valley, running W 26 perches, WSW 60 perches, NW 1/2 point W 58 perches, S 11° W 71 perches, N 79° W 28 perches, SE 64 perches, S 35° E 50 perches, S 76° E 78 perches to bounded Spanish Oak bearing 9 notches, N 4° E 167 perches to first boundary, containing about 100 acres.  Witness: Alex. McPherson, Ig. Middleton. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#5:30.  Drawn 1 July 1801, Recorded 2 Sep 1801)

Zachariah and Henry Sothoron convey 2 tracts of land to John Sothoron which had come to said Zachariah, Henry and John under the will of Henry Greenfield Sothoron, their father, which lands he purchased the one from Basil Brooke on which the latter lived, being in Charles Co., and lying between King’s Creek and Indian Creek, a part of Calverton Manor; the other tract which the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron purchased of Jane Fenwick, adjoining the first tract and called Taney’s Purchase, containing together 1,008 ½ acres. Witness: Edmund Key. Source: Land Records IB#9:208 [NOTE: as of Jan 2004 this volume is in poor repair and no longer available for circulation.] (Abstracts of Sothoron Deeds–Report of the Genealogical Records Committee, DC DAR. 1810.08.06, Recorded 1811.01.21)

Reference is made to the following land records in Liber IB#9, which as of January 2004 is not being circulated because of its poor condition:

- f. 454 - John Sothoron from Zachariah Sothoron et al

- f. 488 - Zachariah Sothoron et al to John Sothoron (General Index to Land Records 1658-1832.:208, Charles Co., Recorded 1811)


Zachariah Sothoron & Henry Sothoron convey to John Sothoron 2 tracts which had come to Zachariah, Henry & John under the will of their father Henry Greenfield Sothoron, which lands he purchased the one from Basil Brooke on which the latter then lived, being in Chas. Co. and lying between King's Creek and Indian Creek, a part of Calverton Manor; the other tract which the said Henry Greenfield Sothoron purchased of Jane Fenwick, adjoining the first tract and called "Taney's Purchase," cont'g together 1,008 1/2 A.  Witness Edmund Key.  (DAR Report - Charles Co., Land Records IB#9:208, Drawn 6 Aug 1810, Recorded 21 Jan 1811)

Recorded 27 Dec 1818 at request of Charles Moran. Indenture of 23 Nov 1818 between Zachariah Sothoron & Charles Moran, both of Charles Co., MD. For $300 Sothoron conveys tract called Stony Hills, beginning at bound white oak on north side of a small branch of West Branch of Indian Creek, then up said branch N 55° W 20 perches, NNW 24 perches, W 15° N 28 perches, W 10° S 20 perches to bound red oak sapling on north side of said branch, NNW 120 perches to bound red oak, 64 perches to main road leading to Benedict, then with said road E 35° N 40 perches, E 23° S 90 perches to bound maple by a branch, down branch with straight line to beginning, about 96 acres. Signed by Zach Sothoron, witnessed by William Morton & John J. Estept. Certified 23 Nov 1818. (Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#13:1)

** Military service - Maryland

"An enrollment of the Militia in Saint Mary's County, agreeably to an Act of Assembly; as returned by F. Hamersley to the Commissioners of the Tax 1794." Found in the back of the 1794 Assessment Record Book of St. Mary's Co.. List includes:

- John Sotherland

- Francis Sothoron

- Francis Sothoron

- Henry Sothoron

- John Sothoron

- John Johnson Sothoron

- Samuel Sotheron

- Zacharian Sotheron  (Chronicles of St. Mary's 2:#10, 1794)

ZachH Sothoron appears on a Muster Roll dated 2 April 1814. He entered duty 2 August as a private in Ensign Moran’s company, Capt. Alexander Dent’s Detachment, 1 (Hawkins’) Reg’t Maryland Militia, ordered on service in July, 1813 and stationed at Henry S. Yates’. He served until Aug 5th (4 days), retaining 2 rations valued at 40 cents. Pay was 1.05, total sum 1.45. (Compiled Service Rec, 1813.08.02, Recorded 1814.04.02)


Zachariah Sothoron et ux Susan convey 96 acres of "Stony Hills" to Charles Moran.  Test:  Wm. Morton, John J. Estep.  (DAR Report - Charles Co., MD Land Records IB#13:1, Drawn 23 Nov 1818, Recorded 27 Dec 1818)

** Census Records - Maryland

1798 List of slave owners, by Hundred, with number of slaves: Benedict, Charles Co. - Zachariah Sothoron, 6 slaves. (Carothers*)

1800 Census - Trinity Parish, Charles Co. Zachariah Sothoron of Henry, pg 77

Free white males 16 - 25....2
26 - 44....1
females 16 - 25....1

1810 Census - Charles Co. Zachariah Sotheoron, pg 95 (321)

Free white males 26 - 44....1
females 26 - 44....1

1820 Census - District 4, Charles Co. Zachariah Sothoron, pg 218

Free white males18 - 26....1
26 - 45....1
females 18 - 26....1

** Church activities - Trinity Parish, Charles Co., Maryland

Mr. Zachariah Sothoron & Mrs. Susanna Sothoron make separate pledges toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:24, 1801.01.01)

Mr. Zachariah Sothoron & Mrs. Susanna Sothoron make separate pledges toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:24, 1802.01.01)

Mr. Zachariah Sothoron & Mrs. Susanna Sothoron make separate pledges toward clergy support. (Treasurer's Acct {MSA M227}:24, 1803.01.01)

Mr. Zachariah Sothoron makes pledge toward clergy support. ((Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:24, 1805.12.31)

Mr. Zachariah Sothoron makes pledge toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:24, 1806.04.01)

Mr. Zachariah Sothoron makes pledge toward clergy support. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227}:99, 1808.08.10)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, Zachariah Sothoron & James F. Sothoron. William Sothoron is is arrears by 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1823)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. Mary Sothoron is in arrears by 5.00. On William Good's List, Richard Sothoron owes 1.00. On John J. Estep's List, William Sothoron still owes 2.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1824)

Repairs to the Chapel are to be made by Zachariah Sothoron. (Summary of History of Trinity Parish {MSA M228}, 1825.04.04)

Henry Sothoron's List for the year includes credits for Henry Sothoron & Zachariah Sothoron. James F. Sothoron has an unpaid balance of 5.00. (Treasurer’s Acct {MSA M227 & M258}:unnumbered, 1825)

** Will & personal estate - Maryland

Zachariah Sothoron wills to his wife Susanna several Negroes, plus one half of household furniture except for a plate inherited from relations, plus $200 annually for life, provided she relinquish her right of dower in real estate.

- To nephew Gonsalos Hodges a Negro.

- To brother John Sothoron, in consideration of debt due him, all rights & claims in the real estate of his late uncle Samuel Bond.

- To brother Henry Sothoron, $2,000.

- Balance of estate to brother John Sothoron, who is also executor. Witness: Thomas Martin, John T. Hawkins, Mary A.M. Estep. (Wills WDM#15:140, Charles Co., 1825.05.06, Proved 1825.07.13)

The petition of John Sothoron, executor of Zachariah Sothoron, for counter security by William Hickey, administrator De Bonis Non of Alexander Hickey. Hickey ordered to appear in August to answer the complaint. (Orphans Court Proc :17, Charles Co., 1825.07.18)

Inventory of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron. Includes 25 Negroes, 2 mules, 5 horses, 6 yoke oxen, 24 cattle, 45 sheep, 5 beds, a huge assortment of tools & household items. Valued at $7,269.87. Attested by John Sothoron, 19 October 1825. (Inv {MSA WK-253-254-1}:50, Charles Co., 1825.07.20, Recorded 1825.10.19)

Petition of John Sothoron, executor of Zachariah Sothoron, praying for an order to sell whole of the personal estate for payment of debts. Granted, with order to advertise sale in the National Intelligencer. (Orphans Court Proc :192, Charles Co.,1826.06.17 )

Henry G. S. Key et al vs. John T. P. Sothoron et al.

- John Sothoron sells to Henry Sothoron lands next to lands now lived on by Henry, near Benedict, derived from brother Zachariah who had lived there, for $10,000. Henry is to secure to John and heirs, and of James F. Sothoron of and as to certain debts or bonds due from the estate of Horatio C. McElderry & George Forbes to the estate of their late uncle Samuel Bond. Balance payable in 6 years with interest from 1 Jan next. Henry is out of interest money to pay the widow of Zachariah Sothoron, their late brother, $200 as devised by Zachariah, in lieu of her dower; if she claims dower, Henry is to retain so much of the principal as would yield interest equivalent to the right of dower. Bears signatures of John & Henry Sothoron. (Chancery Papers 9158, St. Mary’s Co., 1826.06.27)

Recording of due debts in the estate of Zachariah Sothoron. Notes judgment of Eliz. D. Mills against dec'd. Validity attested by John Sothoron. (Inv {MSA WK-253-154-1}:211, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.07.20)

Recording of due debts in the estate of Zachariah Sothoron. Notes judgment of Eliz. D. Mills against dec'd. Validity attested by John Sothoron. (Inv {MSA WK-253-154-1}:211, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.07.20)

Orphans Crt of Chas Co, Md, Pblc sale at the late residence of Zachariah Sothoron, dec’d, nr Benedict, all prsnl est of said dec’d: 25 negroes, stock, furn, etc - John Sothoron, exc. (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:414, Charles Co., Reported 1826.09.21)

In consequence of the death of John Sothoron, executor of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron, the undersigned renounce their entitlement to administration De Bonis Non, and ask for appointment of Henry G.S. Key as administrator De Bonis Non of Zachariah's estate: Susanna Sothoron, Henry Sothoron, James F. Sothoron. (Orphans Court Proc :239, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.11.02)

Account of the sale of the personal estate of Zachariah Sothoron, including: 24 slaves, 19 cattle, 7 horses, 45 sheep, 7 yoke oxen, 5 calves, 6 beds with furniture, 12 Windsor chairs, 12 volume Nicholson's Encyclopedia, various books & Bibles. Includes property received of Henry Sothoron, executor of Mary Sothoron & belonging to the estate of Zachariah. Includes 18 cattle brought from Bond's Retreat & belonging to Zachariah's estate. Appraised value $7,367.29; sale proceeds $7,294.65¾. (Orphans Court Proc :239, Charles Co., 1826.10.25, Recorded 1826.11.21)

Administrative bond for Henry G.S. Key as administrator de Bonis Non of the estate of Zachariah Sothoron for $20,000. Sureties Henry & James F. Sothoron. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-1}:225, Charles Co., Recorded 1826.11.21)

Orphans Crt of Chas Co, Md ltrs of adm d b n on prsnl est of Zechariah Sothoron, late of said co, dec’d - Henry G.S. Key, admin d b n. (Dixon*, 1824-1826.:451, Charles Co., Reported 1826.12.01)

List of debts due from the estate of Zachariah Sothoron, presented to Henry G.S. Key, administrator de bonis non. (Inv {MSA WK-253-154-1}:318, Charles Co., Recorded 1827.03.28)

First account in the estate of Zachariah Sothoron. Inventory listed in Liber A folio 50. Final balance $8753.08. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-1}:275, Charles Co., Recorded 1827.03.28)

Second account in the estate of Zachariah Sothoron. Net value $6,647.43¾. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-1}:315, Charles Co., Recorded 1827.08.21)

Third administrative account in the estate of Zachariah Sothoron. Net value of $4,428.32. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-1}:356, Charles Co.,Recorded 1828.03.27 )

Fifth accounting in the estate of Zachariah Sothoron. Net value $664.42. (Admin Accts {MSA WK-247-248-2}:434, Charles Co., Recorded 1833.03.22)

** Miscellaneous

Forty Dollars reward for negro man, nace, age 30 yrs. - Zachariah Sothoron Charles Co, Md, nr Benedict. (Dixon*, 1800-1805.:1, Charles Co., Reported 1800.10.31)

John Tucker vs Zachariah Sothoron

- Tucker & Sothoron entered into partnership the Fall of 1812 as merchants, each paying $500 to the firm, plus later contributions, mostly by Tucker. The partnership was profitable until the Summer of 1814 when enemy ships visited the Patuxent; it was then closed, with Sothoron taking possession of goods & outstanding debts. Tucker claims he paid some debts, had no benefit of income, has been refused access to books, pleads for reckoning.

- Order from Chancery dated 19 August 1823, for Sothoron to answer deposition.

- Interlocutory decree, dated 22 March 1825. Zachariah Sothoron returned by the Sheriff of Charles Co. for not answering motion of complaint, ordered to answer interrogatories or risk verdict pro confesso.

- Sheriff to attach Henry G.S. Key, administrator to Sothoron. Dated 7 August 1828.

- Answer of Henry G.S. Key, dated 20 November 1828. Ignorant of allegations, but states he frequently heard Zachariah Sothoron say he owed nothing to the claimant.

- Order dated 28 March 1834, transferring all proceedings to the High Court of Chancery.

- Petition for return of the Court dated 14 June 1834, noting that Sothoron is deceased, letters of administration granted.

- Order for return of commission, noting Henry G.S. Key as administrator for estate of Sothoron. Dated 14 June 1834. (Chancery Papers 11575, Charles Co., 1821.03.12)

Account of sales of property of Henry Alu Thompson includes the following sales:

- Dr. William Sothoron - 1 reel & 3 piles Hoghead staves. By note for 13.31

- Henry Sothoron - Tinners & carpenters tools. By note for 73.51

- Francis Sothoron - 16 plates & dish. Cash 98 1/4 cents.

- Zachariah Sothoron - 1 horse. By note for 32.50. (Tax Assessment Papers {MSA C1523-3), St. Mary’s Co., 1822.12.23)

Trustee sale: decree of the high Court of Chancery of Maryland; sale at Morton's store in Benedict, Charles Co., Md. on April 1, valuable real estate in said county, near Benedict; being the same estate upon which Zachariah Southoron lived and which John Southoron afterwards sold to his brother Henry Southoron. John Scott, trustee. (Reno* {National Intelligencer Newspaper Abstracts, 1840}, Reported 1840.03.11)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.